Beautiful souls recognize beautiful souls. Keep being genuine. Your people will find you.

Tools For Wellness

Photo by Deniz Altindas on Unsplash

Self-care involves taking care of self in each of these categories:

1) Taking care of the physical body. Hydration, proper sleep, good hygiene, good diet, medical care, staying active.

2) Promoting positive emotional health. Developing healthy coping methods, self-awareness, and letting yourself be vulnerable.

3) Maintaining social supports. Nurturing relationships and setting appropriate boundaries.

4) Keeping your spiritual life healthy. Defining your values, religion, or spirituality.

Some of my favorite self-care tools are:

  • Know that it is OK to ask for help.
  • Maintain balance in your life (work, chores, recreation, rest).
  • Belly breathing. Imagine inflating your stomach with each inhale.
  • Acknowledge little victories and accomplishments. Getting something finished, cooking a meal, making your bed.
  • Clean. Especially when feeling anxious or restless.
  • Create something. Write a small poem, color in a coloring book, or make something beautiful.
  • Give yourself or someone else a genuine compliment. Everyone loves to receive one.
  • Make an appointment with a doctor when you aren’t well. Illness, pain, routine care, stress.
  • Take a bath or shower. Dim the lights, use some essential oils, or play some soothing music.
  • Go outside and experience nature. Feel the breeze or the sun on your face. Walk on a trail and feel the peace surrounding you. Bury your feet in the dirt or sand. Put your feet in the lake, stream or ocean. Listen to the sounds that nature makes.
  • Eat mindfully. Enjoy a small piece of chocolate slowly, savoring everything.
  • Escape or explore something new. Take a drive, read a book, build something.
  • Embrace your emotions. Don’t push feelings aside. Welcome them, feel them, and allow the emotions to just be.
  • Self-compassion. Be easy on yourself. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself. Forgive yourself. Get rid of thoughts that judge.
  • Call or text a friend. Go out for coffee or a quick visit or ask them to visit you. We all need human connection.
  • Write a Gratitude List. Make a note of everything you are thankful for.
  • Spend a little time with your hobbies, or discover a new one.
  • Distract yourself with a movie or comedy routine. Listen to an audiobook.
  • Journal. Write your thoughts on paper freestyle. Don’t edit or think about what you write, just put it all down. Put it away to look at later if you want.
  • Release your emotions. Cry, scream, punch a pillow.
  • Plan a day (or an afternoon) to just be lazy. Do NOTHING. Take a nap.
  • Get dressed. Fix your face and your hair. Looking good can make you feel good.
  • Meditate. Use an app or search for guided meditations on YouTube. Or just sit quietly and listen to your favorite music and really immerse yourself in the melody and the lyrics.
  • Get up and get moving. Take a short walk. Do some stretches.
  • Label the emotions you are feeling. Give them a name. Observe how the emotions affect your body. Are you tense, breathing quickly, heart beating rapidly?
  • Say “no” without apologizing. Put yourself first. It is not selfish.
  • Reminisce about something. Look at old photos and relive good memories.
  • Pamper yourself. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure. Give yourself a facial or treat yourself to something silly.
  • Cuddle a pet. Animals don’t judge and neither should you.
  • Write down your goals. Make a plan and put it on paper. Plan a trip or a dream vacation.
  • Seek out a support group. Join a book club or yoga class. Get out around people, even if it is just a trip to the grocery store.
  • Drink a soothing cup of tea. Have a cookie with it.
  • Unplug from social media and electronic devices. Take a Facebook break.
  • Help or encourage someone else. Ask a friend how they are and ask if they have anything that is bothering them or they are struggling with. Take the focus off yourself for a little while.
  • Allow yourself to feel vulnerable. Vulnerability is not weakness. It is necessary for healthy connections.
  • Make a note of things that make you happy, little things that can bring you joy. Maybe the sight or smell of flowers, a sunset, the laughter of a child, or an excited puppy brings a smile to your face. Look for something beautiful every day.
  • Watch videos of cute or clumsy animals. It will be difficult not to laugh.

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